Fissures of Representation: event (Badiou), Pure Notion (Mallarmé), and Object Voice (Lacan)
representation, event, “Object voice”, “Pure notion”Abstract
The idea of this article—which is part of anongoing doctoral research on the status of the subject in the convergences and divergences of Badiou's philosophy and Lacanian psychoanalysis (UNC-CONICET)—is to reflect on Badiou's scenario of the resignification of Being and, therefore, of truth, appealing to some elements of Stéphane Mallarmé (fundamental poet for the French philosopher's theory of event) and Jacques Lacan's works. Thus, we will try to show how the discontinuity of Being, that is, the possible site of an event for Badiou, may be conceivable with other figures: the "pure notion" in Mallarmé's poetry and the "object voice" in Lacanian psychoanalysis—all of them being figures of a fissure of representation.
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