Desire, language, morals: psychoanalytic perspective


  • Juan Guillermo Uribe Echeverry University of Antioquia



desire, satisfaction, signifier, superego


This paper is part of the research "On Excess and Its Regulation. Reflections from Psychoanalysis and Philosophy", carried out by the Psicoanálisis, Sujeto y Sociedad [Psychoanalysis, Subject and Society] research group, University of Antioquia, Colombia. Kant's theory of desire –named by him as "faculty of desire"– and Sigmund Freud's "experience of satisfaction" are here compared. These are two approaches to desire, the former coming from Philosophy, the latter from clinic. In relation to language, Jacques Lacan's logic of signifier is here presented together with the consequence of the emergence of an unconscious subject –subject considered by Lacan as a response of the Real. In relation to morals, the theory of superego and guilt is presented as a genesis of the Freudian morals.

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Author Biography

Juan Guillermo Uribe Echeverry, University of Antioquia

Psychoanalyst. Psychologist and Graduate in Philosophy and Letters from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Professor of the Department of Psychoanalysis at the University of Antioquia. Member of the line of research "Psychoanalysis, philosophy, epistemology" of the research group Psychoanalysis, Subject and Society of the same university. Analyst Member of the School of the Forums of the Lacanian Field, Medellín Headquarters (Colombia).


Freud, S.(1982). Proyecto de psicología. En Obras Completas, vol. I. Buenos Aires, Amorrortu. (Trabajo original publicado en 1950).

Freud, S. (1982). La interpretación de los sueños. En Obras Completas, vols. IV y V. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu. (Trabajo original publicado en 1900).

Kant, I. (1981).Crítica de la razón práctica. Madrid: Espasa Calpe. (Emilio Miñana y Villagrasa y Manuel García Morente (Trads.)).

Kant, I. (1989). La metafísica de las costumbres. Madrid: Tecnos (Adela Cortina y Jesús Conill Sancho(Trads.)).

Lacan, J.(s.f.). El Seminario de Jacques Lacan, Libro 15.El acto psicoanalítico, 1968. Inédito. Recuperado de la Base Documental FolioViews 4.2.

Lacan, J. (1984). Kant con Sade. En Escritos 2.México: Editorial Siglo Veintiuno Editores.

Lacan, J. (1990). El Seminario de Jacques Lacan, Libro 7, 1959-1960. La ética del psicoanálisis, Buenos Aires: Paidós.



How to Cite

Uribe Echeverry, J. G. . (2015). Desire, language, morals: psychoanalytic perspective. Affectio Societatis, 12(22), 37–46.