Conception of the imaginary consistency from Freud to Lacan and its place in the Borromean knot


  • Liliana Zorelly Giraldo Aristizábal EAFIT Unversity



Borromean knot, consistency, imaginary, topology


This article summarizes an investigation led by the question: which is the place of the imaginary consistency in the Borromean knot? The main references of the investigation were Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan. For the development of this, there were revised different approaches to libido, drive, and other elements of the imaginary such as the optic experiences and the Borromean knot. This last one, topologic figure that illustrates how the different orders articulate, shows how they interconnect with each other around a central element which has an imaginary face and also the consistency of a concept: object a.

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Author Biography

Liliana Zorelly Giraldo Aristizábal, EAFIT Unversity

Psychologist. Master in Psychoanalytic Research from the University of Antioquia. Member of the Research Group on Psychoanalysis with Children and Adolescents at the Nueva Escuela Lacaniana NEL -Medellín. Psychologist of the Department of Student Development of the EAFIT University.


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How to Cite

Giraldo Aristizábal, L. Z. (2016). Conception of the imaginary consistency from Freud to Lacan and its place in the Borromean knot. Affectio Societatis, 13(25), 96–116.