The real of the body in Lacan’s last teaching, or how to psychoanalyze with a hammer?


  • José Recalde University of Buenos Aires



speaking body, Nietzsche, fiction, real


This paper is an advance of a research that problematizes the notion of body in the so-called Jacques Lacan’s last teaching. To that end, two reading keys are stated. First, the questioning of the anatomic reality of the body and its relation with the real. Second, the question on the ontological value conferred to the body since it is placed as the mysterious, speaking body that does not deceive. Likewise, it is expected to find resonances and differences between the Lacanian perspective and the Nietzschean proposals on body and corporality.

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Author Biography

José Recalde, University of Buenos Aires

Professor of the chair of Psychopathology at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires. Member of the Teaching and Research Committee of Hospital B. Rivadavia, Ministry of Health, GCBA. Assistant Plant Psychologist, Hospital B. Rivadavia, Ministry of Health, GCBA. Master in Interdisciplinary Studies of Subjectivity, (FFyL-UBA). Degree in Psychology (UBA).


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How to Cite

Recalde, J. (2018). The real of the body in Lacan’s last teaching, or how to psychoanalyze with a hammer?. Affectio Societatis, 15(29), 147–164.