Reading the fantasmatic elements in Freud's dream of the Fates




dream, drive , fantasy, desire, Oedipus complex, demand, death


This paper initially addresses the problem of the drive order as proposed by Freud in 1915, taking as an excuse his own dream of the Fates published in “The Interpretation of Dreams” (1986/1900), approximately fifteen years before the text “Instincts and Their Vicissitudes” (1915). Likewise, it will articulate the relationship between the drive and the Oedipus complex as well as its outcomes. The hypothesis is that, in the productions of the unconscious specified in the 1900 publication, it was already there the fantasmatic configuration later explained theoretically not only by Freud but also by Lacan.

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Author Biography

Sebastián Sánchez Segura, College of Lacanian Psychoanalysis

Practicing analyst. Professional in Psychology from the Catholic University of Pereira, Master in Psychoanalytic Theory from the College of Lacanian Psychoanalysis (Mexico City), Doctorate in Psychoanalysis from the College of Lacanian Psychoanalysis (Mexico City), Member of the School of Psychoanalysis of Los Foros of the Lacanian Field.


Freud, S. (1986). Carta del 06 de febrero de 1899. En Sigmund Freud. Cartas a Wilhelm Fliess (1887-1904). Amorrortu Editores.

Freud, S (1986/1900). La interpretación de los sueños (primera parte). En J. Strachey (Ed.) y J.L. Etcheverry y L. Wolfson (Trads.). Obras completas (vol. IV, págs. 218-221). Amorrortu Editores.

Freud, S (1986/1914). Introducción del narcisismo. En J. Strachey (Ed.) y J.L. Etcheverry y L. Wolfson (Trads.). Obras completas (vol. XIV, págs. 65-98). Amorrortu Editores.

Freud, S (1986/1915). Pulsión y destinos de pulsión. En J. Strachey (Ed.) y J.L. Etcheverry y L. Wolfson (Trads.). Obras completas (vol. XIV, págs. 105-134). Amorrortu Editores.

Lacan, J. (1994/1956-1957). El seminario, Libro 4: La relación de objeto. EditorialPaidós.

Lacan, J (2005/1957-1958). El seminario, Libro 5: Las formaciones del inconsciente. Editorial Paidós.



How to Cite

Sánchez Segura, S. (2021). Reading the fantasmatic elements in Freud’s dream of the Fates. Affectio Societatis, 18(35), 18.