Rethinking mourning: from the singular to the cultural


  • Marcelo Juan Grigoravicius University of Buenos Aires
  • Agustina Toso Kennedy University



mourning, hypermodernity, disavowal


This paper presents the advances of a research project on the phenomenon of mourning in "hypermodernity". It reviews concepts related to the theory of mourning in Freud's work. It explores the role of the reality testing in the onset of mourning and its relationship to disavowal (Verleugnung). It analyzes the status of the lost object and, therefore, the Freudian notions of love are reconsidered. It also looks into the concept of "work of mourning" and the object substitution as a result. An articulation is observed between the intrapsychic functioning and the cultural significations of our time, no longer marked by repression, but by the disavowal of pain and loss.

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Author Biographies

Marcelo Juan Grigoravicius, University of Buenos Aires

Dr. in Psychology, University of Buenos Aires. Master in the improper use of drugs, University of Buenos Aires. Lic. In Psychology, University of Buenos Aires. Professor and researcher at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires and in the Faculty of Psychological Sciences of the Ken-Nedy University. Director of the Investigations: "The Statute of Duel in the current Clinic" (2017-2019) and "Duel trajectories in the current era" (2020-2022) Patro-confined by the Secretariat of Research and University Extension of the UNI -Kennedy Versity. He has published numerous articles on clinical psychology and psychoanalysis and about problems that affect children.

Agustina Toso, Kennedy University

Doctor of studies and gender policies at the National University Tres de February. Master in psychoanalysis and a degree in Psychology. Professor and researcher at the Kennedy University and the Higher Institute for Teacher and Technical Training No. 49. Principal researcher in: "The Statute of Duel in the current clinic" and "Duel trajectories in the current era" sponsored by the Secretary of Research and University Extension of the Kennedy University. Perform clinical activities at the Mental Health Center No. 3 Dr. Arturo Ameghino, Buenos Aires. Author of the book The body as an object of consumption (2020) and other psychoanalysis articles.


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How to Cite

Grigoravicius, M. J., & Toso, A. (2021). Rethinking mourning: from the singular to the cultural. Affectio Societatis, 18(34), 1–28.