The passions of being according to Lacan




passion, being, hatred, love, ignorance, psychoanalysis


This paper explores, locates, and reviews the mentions made by Lacan in the course of his teaching about the so-called "passions of being". As this is a first approach that constitutes a more extensive investigation, it was considered to initially locate the mentions accompanied by the effects carried out by tracking. Firstly, the problem of passions for the psychoanalytic clinic is introduced. Then, the tracking we previously mentioned is arranged, contextualizing the references, and marking similarities and differences, in the process of generating a dialectical movement between them. The final section sets forth the conclusions and subsequent lines of work.

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Author Biographies

Rodrigo Valentín Abínzano, University of Buenos Aires

Degree in Psychology (UBA). Master in Psychoanalysis (UBA). Staff Psychologist, Mental Health Center N°3 Dr. Arturo Ameghino (CABA). Member of the Analytical Forum of the Río de la Plata (FARP) and the School of the Lacanian Field Forums. Professor at the Faculty of Psychology (UBA). Author of the book Freudian readings of mental anorexia (Escabel, 2018).

Nicolás Mazal, National University of Alto Uruguay

Degree in Psychology (UCA). Specialist in Clinical Psychology with orientation in Psychoanalysis (UBA). Master in Psychoanalysis (Kennedy University). Professor at the National University of Alto Uruguay (Misiones, Argentina). Clinical Psychologist at the Hospital Escuela de Agudos Dr. Ramón Madariaga (Posadas, Province of Misiones, Argentina).


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How to Cite

Abínzano, R. V., & Mazal, N. (2021). The passions of being according to Lacan. Affectio Societatis, 18(34), 1–22.