psychosis, reality, I schema, direction of the treatmentAbstract
This is a theoretical and critical essay discussing the direction of the treatment of psychotic patients in the context of Brazilian public health services. Based on a therapeutic residence experience, in which the psychotic patients had an emphasis on pharmacological treatment and actions to promote rights and citizenship, the hypothesis was formulated that some forms of psychotherapeutic mediations that take into account the specificity of the constitution of reality in psychosis could help in the calibration of a more effective intervention plan. The constitution of reality was chosen as the central theoretical category given that, according to Freud and Lacan, reality is organized in a differentiated way in function of the particular position of the subject in relation to language and otherness, which entails significant consequences for the direction of the treatment. Lacan’s contribution around the L, R, and I schemata is then borrowed to discuss the foundations of the treatment process in psychosis.
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