THE FINAL GOOD BETWEEN ARISTOTLE AND FREUD: Psychoanalytical thought reversal in the ethical dimension


  • Paula Andrea Pérez Herrera Universidad de Antioquia



The good, Das Ding, the question of the good, the role of the good, Bentham's Utilitarianism


Starting with a brief introduction to the philosophical conception of the final good and the good, the author presents Freud’s reversal from a psychoanalytical approach as shown by Lacan in Seminar 7, passing from the question of the good to the function of the good in the ethical dimension of psychoanalysis.


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Author Biography

Paula Andrea Pérez Herrera, Universidad de Antioquia

Business administrator. Candidate for a Master's in Psychoanalytic Research at the University of Antioquia. Professor of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Pérez Herrera, P. A. (2010). THE FINAL GOOD BETWEEN ARISTOTLE AND FREUD: Psychoanalytical thought reversal in the ethical dimension. Affectio Societatis, 6(11).



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