Anxiety in adolescents as an answer to the soundness of the Other


  • Clara Mesa University of Antioquia



mothering, paternal metaphor, Other, adolescents


The current text starts from the clinical experience with adolescents and tries to account for a clinical phenomenon found with some frequency in clearly non-psychotic adolescents, but in who there comes up a figure of the threatening Other, not enunciated and perhaps not enunciable, a mute, anonymous presence, which comes up in the dark, leaving him without resources. The central hypothesis is based on redoubling the fall of the symbolic function of the Other: on one hand, the adolescence, which characterizes itself by the distancing from the father; and on the other hand, the fall of the symbolic function characteristic of the time what leaves the contemporary subjects less protected from emergence of the real. Drawing consequences from the Freudian reference in Civilization and Its Discontents, it can be maintained more exactly that it is not really the Other what has generally fallen as an effect of the contemporary discourse, but the symbolic dimension, its love dimension, its pacifying face, leaving the subject at the mercy of its own ferocity.

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Author Biography

Clara Mesa, University of Antioquia

Psychoanalyst. Specialist in Children with Emphasis in Psychoanalysis, Universidad de Antioquia. PhD candidate in Philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Professor and coordinator of the Master's Degree in Psychoanalytic Research, Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia). AME title of the International School of Forums of the Lacanian Field.


Freud, S. (1973) El Malestar en la Cultura. Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva.

Lacan, J. ( ) El Seminario de Jacques Lacan, Libro X: La angustia,

-----------(1986) El Seminario de Jacques Lacan, Libro 7: La ética delpsicoanálisis. Buenos Aires: Paidos.

---------------------El Seminario de Jacques Lacan, Libro 21:Los incautosno yerran oLos Nombres del Padre. Inédito.

Aparicio, S. (2006)“Consideraciones lacanianas sobre la decadencia del padre”.En: ¿Histeria o Paranoia?Medellín:Publicación de la Asociación Foros del Campo Lacaniano.

Soler, C.(2006)“La angustia de la madre”.En: Declinaciones de la Angustia. Bogotá: Estudios de Psicoanálisis.



How to Cite

Mesa, C. (2010). Anxiety in adolescents as an answer to the soundness of the Other. Affectio Societatis, 6(10).



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