
  • Jesús Manuel Ramírez Escobar University of Antioquia



psychosis, replacements, paternal metaphor, RSI


The current work deals with the formation of a social link during psychosis and the difficulties it involves. In order to do this, the central axis of work will be the concept developed by Lacan with respect to the psychosis until reaching the notion of replacement, a concept different to that of stabilization, as we will see at the beginning of Lacan’s structuralist work in the fifties. Subsequently, we will study the pertinence of the topology developed by this author during the seventies in what could be named a clinic of the Brunnian link, which clears new ways to a differential clinic, so it is possible to wonder about the role of the psychoanalyst in the direction of the cure on the formation of a social link at the end of the analysis.

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Author Biography

Jesús Manuel Ramírez Escobar, University of Antioquia

Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico), Master's in Psychoanalysis from the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) and PhD in Psychology from the same University.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Escobar, J. M. (2010). TOWARDS A CLINIC OF REPLACEMENTS IN PSYCHOSIS. Affectio Societatis, 5(9).