About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Revista Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia is a Journal published two times per year, in June and December, and edited by the Department of Accounting Sciences, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.
The aim of the Journal is to publish articles derived from research processes with analytical and critical content on issues pertaining to the Accounting discipline and profession and related sciences. Published since the year 1982, the Journal has both national and foreign collaborators of privileged reputation in the Accounting world, which allows it to be considered as one of the journals in the field with the greatest importance and trajectory in Latin America and the Hispanic community.
It is one of the publications that have contributed the most to disseminating knowledge on Accounting and, therefore, to the constant search for quality and adequate foundations for the discipline in Colombia.
Currently, the Journal receives articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese under three modalities: research articles, review articles and reflection articles.
Peer Review Process
The manuscripts submitted to the Revista Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia will be reviewed initially by the editorial team. If the team determines that the article fit the academic and editorial requirements to be published, it is sent to two peer external reviewers for a double-blind review. In this review, contribution to the area of knowledge, relevance of the theme, originality, among other aspects are taken into account. In case there will not get an agreement between the evaluations, a third reviewer will be consulted. The editorial team will decide whether the article is accepted, it requires minor or major modifications, or the article is rejected according to the evaluations. The rate of rejection of articles is between 30% and 40% of the articles presented.
The editorial team has maximum 1 week to define whether the article is approved to start the evaluation stage. Subsequently, the author will be informed in maximum 50 days if the manuscript is approved or rejected. The authors of articles that require major modifications will have maximum of 1 months to make the adjustments. In this case, it is necessary to send a response letter to the reviewers. Finally, the editorial team will take the final decision about the publication of the article based on the reviewer concepts (this stage may take 2 months approximately).
To learn more about the evaluation format that evaluators follow, click on the following link
Publication Frequency
Revista Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia is published two times per year covering the periods January-June and July-December.
Open Access Policy
The names, details and e-mail addresses collected in this Journal will be exclusively used for the aims stated by the Journal and will not be available for any other purpose or any other person. This Journal does not have any article processing charges.
Revista Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
Permisos más allá del alcance de esta licencia pueden estar disponibles en https://revistas.udea.edu.co/index.php/cont/index
Code of ethics
Revista Contaduría Universidad de Antioquia strives to maintain high quality in its publications, keeping integrity and good actions within administrative and publishing processes. Thus, the following norms must be followed in regard to its code of ethics:
Responsibilities of Revista Contaduría:
1 The journal will totally respect the principle of authorship of the papers, and will give credit to whom it corresponds, highlighting that any plagiarism detection will result in rejection by the journal.
2 The journal refuses to receive and/or publish papers that are under review by another journal aiming at their possible publication in both journals.
3 The journal will keep its transparency regarding its publishing processes, from the moment the paper is received, reviewed, and deemed accepted or rejected. The journal is committed to avoiding, in any possible way, all kinds of conflicts of interests with the papers received, seeking impartiality in the reviews and offering a fair treatment of any file received.
4 The journal will ensure the publication of scientific, academic and/or research papers, with high quality information, employing review processes with peer reviewers with enough knowledge on the topic to decide on acceptance or rejection of the paper.
5 The editor and the editorial board are committed to keeping authors’ data and the papers submitted to the journal for review confidential.
6 The journal will ensure to keep the publications within the period for which it is being issued, as well as clearly inform deadlines, times and paper reception and correction criteria.
7 The journal promotes open access to information, seeking to disseminate information and broaden scientific discussion for knowledge building in all spaces.
Authors’ responsibilities:
1 Authors must be committed to avoiding plagiarism or self-plagiarism, attesting to the originality of the paper submitted and giving the credits to whom it corresponds.
2 Authors are committed to submitting papers with true and verifiable information, obtained by means of techniques accepted as correct.
3 Authors must not submit a paper if this is being submitted to or under review by another journal.
4 Authors must disclose all information regarding commercial associations, funding, or any information resulting from the paper that may entail a conflict of interest.
5 When the authors find an error in their paper, they must inform the editor promptly and indicate the respective corrections. Additionally, the authors are the sole persons responsible for what their information contains.
6 When corrections are requested, the author must return the paper within the established deadline.
Reviewers’ responsibilities:
1 Reviewers are committed to indicate the references and other copy rights overlooked by the sender of the paper. Besides, reviewers must inform when they consider the paper under evaluation presents considerable similarities with other works of which they have personal knowledge.
2 Reviewers are committed to keeping the confidentiality of the information assessed during the process of reviewing the paper, and they will not disclose the result of the paper or its review to any other person without prior written consent from the editor.
3 Reviewers must do their evaluation process with objectivity and state with clear arguments their evaluation and recommendations about the paper in writing, using the journal’s format for that purpose.
4 Reviewers must inform when some type of conflict of interest arises with the information under review.
5 Reviewers will accept to do their work when they are able to evaluate the papers within the deadlines established by the editor and editorial team.