Economic Context, Ethics, and Critical Attitude in the Training of the Public Accountant


  • Gregorio A. Giraldo Garcés University of Valle



Training, ethic, critical thinking, economics, public accounting


The main purpose of this paper is to reflect on the training of the Public Accountant, taking into account the ffects on professional ethics. It also proposes a theoretical framework to address the problematic issues of education and accounting training. The result of reflection locates the economic context where the accounting profession takes place and identifies some issues that affect the proper development of the educational and training process of students. Finally, arguments to improve both the appropriation of professional ethics and the training of Public Accountants are proposed
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How to Cite

Giraldo Garcés, G. A. (2013). Economic Context, Ethics, and Critical Attitude in the Training of the Public Accountant. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (57), 221–239.


