Measuring Organizational Capital through Fuzzy Arithmetic: a Linguistic Approach


  • María Angélica Farfán Liévano Quindio's University



intangible assets, organizational capital, fuzzy arithmetic, linguistic variables


Many value-generator intangible assets are not reported in the financial reports because
they do not fulfill the requirements for their recognition and inclusion in such reports –as in the case
of organizational capital. This paper proposes the elaboration of an organizational capital report
with its main indicators, assigning an (X) in the desired future state for the item in question, taking
into account the support to the business strategy, and assigning an (O) to describe its current state,
where applicable according to the linguistic labels previously defined. Subsequently, they will be
processed by using the fuzzy sets theory in order to mathematically determine the distance of the
gaps between the present and the future, and between different moments in time. A clear, simple,
and inexpensive implementation is considered. It can be useful for making decisions on this topic
–recognized as the basis for the development and implementation of strategies in the organization
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How to Cite

Farfán Liévano, M. A. (2014). Measuring Organizational Capital through Fuzzy Arithmetic: a Linguistic Approach. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (61), 161–179.


