Financial instruments disclosure, compliance with IFRS implementation


  • Jaime Alberto Guevara Sanabria University of Antioquia
  • Daniela Henao Castrillón University of Antioquia



primary financial instruments, amortized cost, disclosures, IFRS, IFRS 7


In Colombia, with the implementation of IFRS, changes are expected regarding recognition, measurement and, above all, disclosure of the elements of financial statements and specially of Financial Instruments (FI). This work seeks to collect the different variables of FI measurement and observe the level of compliance with IFRS 7 disclosure of FI, so that its business model allows to measure them at amortized cost. To achieve this, we verified the disclosures contained in the Financial Statements of 55 non-financial Colombian firms. As main results, we identified that firms comply with the disclosures associated to credit, market and FI liquidity risks and with the general disclosures of the norm. However, there are differences regarding disclosure on amortized cost elements, and on deterioration.

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Author Biography

Jaime Alberto Guevara Sanabria, University of Antioquia

Corresponding author. Calle 67 No 53 -108. Ciudad Universitaria, Office 13-108 University of Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Guevara Sanabria, J. A., & Henao Castrillón, D. (2018). Financial instruments disclosure, compliance with IFRS implementation. Contaduría Universidad De Antioquia, (72), 131–150.




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