A Few Colombian Vampires


  • Campo Ricardo Burgos López Universidad Sergio Arboleda




Colombian fantasy literature, vampires in Colombian literature, Andújar, Carolina, García Londoño, Andrés, Romero Loaiza, Fernando


This article examines how vampires are depicted in four recent literary works by Colombian authors. It is divided in four sections. The first section proposes a set of common characteristics that appear in different
depictions of vampires. This section also reflects on the transformations that these characters have suffered in western literary works during the past two centuries. The second section analyzes the way in which these depictions of vampires relate to the concepts of eros and agape. The third section examines the representation of vampires in Fernando Romero Loaiza’s “Crónicas de vampiros” (1997), Andres García’s short story “Los ojos de la noche” (2009), and Carolina Andujar’s novels “Vampyr” (2009) and “Vajda, príncipe inmortal” (2012). The last section contains a set of conclusions.
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How to Cite

Burgos López, C. R. (2014). A Few Colombian Vampires. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (34), 99–118. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.18528


