Apologetic Principles of Criticism. Domínguez Camargo, his Invectiva
Domínguez Camargo, Hernando, Invectiva apologética, literary criticism, poetics, baroqueAbstract
Invectiva apologética was written in 1652 by the poet HernandoDomínguez (1606-1659) and published posthumously in 1676. His text constitutesa singular though little read work crucial for analyzing and recounting the history of the principles of modern literary criticism in Latin America. These principles are taken from temporal, conceptual and logical aspects. In thissense, this essay aims firstly to inquire the Invective's controversial apologetics defining the meaning of its related texts. And, most importantly, this article analyzes the assumptions, ideas and critical resources that shape the Invectiva and turn a seemingly simple libelous commentary into a relevant poetical and rhetorical object. The latter applies both for the critical history in America and modern literary criticism.
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