The aesthetic experience of infamy: a glance to the Pablo Montoyaʼs Triptych


  • Rubén Rafael Cardona Sánchez EAFIT University



memory, infamy, Triptych, Montoya, Jauss


This article examines the Pablo Montoya Campuzano’s novel Tríptico de la infamia through the aesthetic experience theory of Hans Robert Jauss. For this purpose, the concept of triptych is analyzed from its use as Renaissance pictorial representation, and the triptych of Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights is taken as an example in order to show the novel as a triptych and to disclosure the aesthetic functions of the infamy, and the reflection that is conveyed from it.

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How to Cite

Cardona Sánchez, R. R. (2017). The aesthetic experience of infamy: a glance to the Pablo Montoyaʼs Triptych. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (41), 153–169.