Pablo Montoya: religion and art


  • Juan Esteban Londoño Betancur University of Hamburg



Pablo Montoya, religion, art, meaning, disenchantment


Religion appears in Pablo Montoya’s work in two senses: as a part of the culture, which manifests itself through myths, rites and symbols; and as a phenomenon, which indicates human constructions of meaning. This article, which is part of a PhD dissertation, takes as a base the Theology of culture by the religion philosopher Paul Tillich to systematize both meanings of what is religious. In addition, it reads the texts from a perspective of the aesthetics of reception (Gadamer, Iser, Jauss), which focuses on the way of interpretation of artworks and social realities from new horizons of reading.

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How to Cite

Londoño Betancur, J. E. (2017). Pablo Montoya: religion and art. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (41), 77–90.