Suicidal bodies, bodies in rupture: singular experiencies of voluntary death and rebellion against domestic order, in Eclipses, by Ana María Jaramillo


  • Carlos Julio Ayram Chede Santiago de Cali University



suicidal bodies, voluntary death, Ana María Jaramillo, biopolitic, discipline


This article aims to review the approaches of the voluntary death of Jean Améry in a taxonomic exercise of bodies in the work Eclipses by Ana Maria Jaramillo through the experience that some of them have in relation to the death by their own hand. The bodies which Améry calls ‘suicidal’ (“suicidantes” in Spanish), generate a corporeal project capable of undoing the logic on which life is based. Subsequently, according to Michael Foucault’s biopolitical approaches, I present the ruptured bodies, bodies that have intervened a logic of oppression embodied in the metaphor of domestic order.

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Author Biography

Carlos Julio Ayram Chede, Santiago de Cali University

Full-time Professor of the Department of Language and Foreign Languages of the Santiago de Cali University. Master in Literature from the University of the Andes. Degree in Spanish Language from the University of Tolima.


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How to Cite

Ayram Chede, C. J. (2018). Suicidal bodies, bodies in rupture: singular experiencies of voluntary death and rebellion against domestic order, in Eclipses, by Ana María Jaramillo. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (42), 81–98.