José Eusebio Caro and Gregorio Gutiérrez González: variations of colombian romantic poetry in the 19th century


  • Humberto Sánchez Rueda Saint Thomas Aquinas University



Romanticism, Colombian poetry, night, José Eusebio Caro, Gregorio Gutiérrez González


This paper proposes an analysis about Gregorio Gutiérrez González and José Eusebio Caro’s poetic plays as an axis that allow us to ponder some reaches, variables and characteristics of the 19th Century Colombian romantic poetry. The analysis focuses on how the entanglement between romantic sensibility, nationalistic project, and religious doctrine constitute the root cause of the poetic conflict of Gutiérrez and Caro’s nocturnal poetry, from which the scope and limitations of their poetic proposal are formulated.

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How to Cite

Sánchez Rueda, H. (2018). José Eusebio Caro and Gregorio Gutiérrez González: variations of colombian romantic poetry in the 19th century. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (42), 31–44.