Fuzzy Bodies. A Queer Reading of Three Colombian Science Fiction Novels


  • Juan Alberto Conde Aldana University Jorge Tadeo Lozano




colombian science fiction, queer theory, postclassical narratology, body, corporeal narratology


In this article, three recently published Colombian science fiction novels are analyzed, in which a common theme is explored: the presentation of non-binary sexualities, materialized through the representation of the body and its transformations. My objective is to show how the expressive strategies of science fiction allow to address this issue in ways that are difficult to find in realistic literature, expanding the reflections on the body and the sexuality in our world. The theoretical framework for this analysis comes from narratology, in two of its contemporary developments: queer narratology and corporeal narratology.

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How to Cite

Conde Aldana, J. A. (2022). Fuzzy Bodies. A Queer Reading of Three Colombian Science Fiction Novels. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (50), 145–163. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.n50a08