Leandro: A Literary Vallenato by Alonso Sánchez Baute


  • Johnattan Farouk Caballero Hernández Autonomous university of Bucaramanga




vallenato, Caribe, politics, testimony, chronicle


In this textual analysis, a dialogue is established with the Colombian literary tradition that germinated in the Caribbean. In addition, the particularities that the poetics of Leandro (2019) has are tracked and from there the historiographic relationships with the Colombian twentieth century are noted. Likewise, the founding history of vallenato as a musical genre is covered. The protagonists, their lyrics, their political commitments, and their landscapes will be studied from the writing of Alonso Sánchez Baute; which mixes journalism and fiction in search of a truthful pact with the reader.

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Author Biography

Johnattan Farouk Caballero Hernández, Autonomous university of Bucaramanga



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García Márquez, G. (2007). Cien años de Soledad. Bogotá: Real Academia de la Lengua Española/Alfaguara.

Gossaín, Juan. (2019). Diccionario de la vida. Bogotá: Intermedio Editores.

Real Academia Española (2014). Vallenato. Diccionario de la lengua española, 23.ª ed., [versión 23.5 en línea]. Recuperado de: https://dle.rae.es/vallenato [10.06.2022].

Samper Pizano, D. y Tafur, P. (2016). 100 años de vallenato. Bogotá: Aguilar.

Sánchez Baute, A. (2012). El vallenato prohibido de Rafael Escalona. Revista Diners 481. Recuperado de: https://revistadiners.com.co/cultura/archivo/30774_el-vallenato-prohibido-de-escalona/ [10.06.2022].

Sánchez Baute, A. (2017). La culpa, la mujer y Cien años de soledad. Semana (5 de junio). Recuperado de: https://www.semana.com/igualdad-de-generos-en-cien-anos-de-soledad/527564/ [10.06.2022].

Sánchez Baute, A. (2018a). La Hamaca Grande. Bogotá: Biblioteca Nacional.

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How to Cite

Caballero Hernández, J. F. (2022). Leandro: A Literary Vallenato by Alonso Sánchez Baute. Estudios De Literatura Colombiana, (51), 95–111. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.elc.348549