“Godless and Lawless”: Counter-Hegemonic Consciousness and Causes of La Violencia in El Cristo de Espaldas (1952) by Eduardo Caballero Calderón
Eduardo Caballero Calderón, El Cristo de espaldas, La Violencia, decolonial thinkingAbstract
Despite having received considerable attention from literary critics, the novels of La Violencia in Colombia (1946-1967) have been scarcely analyzed from counter-hegemonic theoretical-critical perspectives, such as decolonial thinking. One of the best-known novels of La Violencia period is “El Cristo de espaldas” (1952) by Eduardo Caballero Calderón. This article argues that the Colombian novelist incorporates in his novel the counter-hegemonic consciousness of some of his characters, in order to elucidate the neocolonial oppression as well as the causes of La Violencia phenomenon in Colombia.
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