Production, Edition and Publication Contexts of Panida: Intergenerational Alliances and Legitimization from Rodó’s Universalism
Periodicals, Panida magazine, Latin American intellectuals, José Enrique Rodó, Rubén DaríoAbstract
This article focuses on reconstructing the production, edition and publication contexts of the journal Panida (February 15-June 20, 1915), created by the homonymous group from Antioquia. It seeks to identify the journals’s field where its members established synchronic and diachronic relations of alliance and legitimization, evidencing the continuity of local intellectual projects seen in publications such as El Repertorio (1896), El Montañés (1897-1899), Lectura y Arte (1903-1906), among others. On a Latin American scale, the efforts connect with the universalism of José Enrique Rodó and the symbol of the integration of the Whole (Pan) that Darío updated from Victor Hugo.
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