On Foam and Ashes: Traces and Faces of the Fleeting in Piedad Bonnett's Poetry
Colombian poetry, Piedad Bonnett, epiphany, painful ephemeral, human temporalityAbstract
This paper approaches the poetry of Colombian poet Piedad Bonnett (born in Amalfi, 1951) from the figurations of impermanence, viewing it as semiotic mediation towards the profound structures of the lyrical universe. Based on the distinction made by Christine Buci-Glucksmann (2006) between a melancholic and a positive ephemeral, the study intends to highlight the predominance of textual signs that convey a painful vision of impermanence in Bonnett's poetry. This involves the meditation on the temporality of existence from an allegorization of the fleeting, on the one hand, and a certain corporealist intuition of time, on the other. The analysis ends by examining the conditioning factors that can justify such an approach towards the transitory.
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