Validation of experiential education program for stress resilience in prehospital care


  • Jhon Jairo Trejos-Parra Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Sandra Milena Bedoya-Gaviria Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Claudia Patricia Cardona-Triana Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira


experiential education, stress coping strategies, resilient personality, occupational Burnout syndrome


Given the high prevalence of occupational burnout syndrome due to excessive stress in this population and the scarcity of similar experimental research, an experiential educational program was designed with the aim of enhancing stress resistance in prehospital care students. This program was based on a comprehensive literature review on the characteristics that make experiential education programs effective in achieving cognitive, emotional, and behavioral changes in participants. Two main approaches were identified: features aimed at transforming temporary experiences into lasting ones and active learning methods embedded in the stages of the well-known Kolb cycle. The study was conducted as a sequential mixed methods design: first, a quasi-experimental design including experimental (n=20) and control groups (n=36) with pre- and post-intervention evaluations, followed by a qualitative case study. Measures included the Resilience Personality Scale and the Stress Coping Styles and Strategies Scale, both validated instruments. The program began with training and awareness sessions, followed by four sessions of experiential education designed according to the identified effective traits. Post-test results showed significant differences between groups in resilient personality (p<0.0009 using Mann-Whitney, with a very large effect size of 0.83 according to Cohen's d) and in coping strategies (p<0.000001 and 1.28), confirming the effectiveness of the program. The qualitative evaluation highlighted the importance of the implemented features for the success of the experiential education program. This study is relevant for its contribution to identifying and validating essential elements for the development of truly effective experiential education programs.

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How to Cite

Trejos-Parra, J. J., Bedoya-Gaviria, S. M., & Cardona-Triana, C. P. (2024). Validation of experiential education program for stress resilience in prehospital care. Expomotricidad, 2024. Retrieved from



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