Pre-Service teachers for elementary, middle and high school emancipation in Colombia


  • Cristian Camilo Orozco Sánchez Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó
  • Carlos Federico Ayala Zuluaga Universidad de Caldas


professional development, teacher training, physical education, university education, teacher identity, professional internship


The aim of this work was to demonstrate the emancipatory impact of the pre-service teachers in elementary, middle and high school of the students of the Bachelor’s degree program in Physical Education, Recreation and Sport at the Universidad de Caldas, Colombia. The framework of the study was a hermeneutic paradigm with a qualitative approach. Descriptive methods were used with eight students of the program (four men and four women) who were doing their internship.  In order to collect the information, in-depth interviews were carried out with the interns of the public educational institutions in the department of Caldas. It was found that internships significantly promote the professional development of student teachers, as they allow them to acquire knowledge through experience in educational contexts. In conclusion, pre-Service teachers are fundamental to the emancipatory training of students because they help them acquire the knowledge necessary to build their teaching identity.

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How to Cite

Orozco Sánchez, C. C., & Ayala Zuluaga, C. F. (2024). Pre-Service teachers for elementary, middle and high school emancipation in Colombia. Expomotricidad, 2024. Retrieved from



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