Uses and practices of strategic communication in public and political organizations


  • Ángela Preciado Hoyos University of La Sabana
  • Haydée Guzmán Ramírez University of La Sabana


strategic communication, communication management, public agencies, government organization, organizational communication, Colombia, communications plan


 In recent years, in the literatura on communication management in public agencies, both governmental and politial, there has been a tendency to highlight the utility the strategic model may have to establish a twoway communication. This paper delivers the results of a research aimed at discovering the extent to which strategic communication is used in public organizations in Colombia. They hipótesis that has emerged suggests that the model of strategic communication prevail, base don the configuration of a favorable public image of the public officer, and which emphasize on the relationships with the media. The first part Will introduce elements to analyze the strategic communication model, and in the second part, the field work results. These confirm the initial hypothesis once analyzing the literature on the subject.

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Author Biographies

Ángela Preciado Hoyos, University of La Sabana

PhD in communication. Social communicator. Journalist from the University of Antioquia. Head of the management area and director of the corporate and organizational communication research center, Cicco.

Haydée Guzmán Ramírez, University of La Sabana

Master in teaching. Social communicator with an emphasis on advertising. Manager and consultant of the company Leader communications and events.



How to Cite

Preciado Hoyos, Ángela, & Guzmán Ramírez, H. (2011). Uses and practices of strategic communication in public and political organizations. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (25), 49–73. Retrieved from


