The impacto of enviromental marketing campaigns: the four sheres model

El modelo de las cuatro esferas


  • Marina Romeo Delgado University of Barcelona
  • Montserrat Yepes i Baldó University of Barcelona
  • Rita Berger University of Barcelona
  • Bartomeu Vidal Moranta University of Barcelona


attitudes, enviromental behaviour, social communication, enviromental psychology, four spheres psychosocial intervention model


This article shows the results of an exploratory study conducted in the town of Badalona (Barcelona,Spain) following the implementation of the waste disposal Law Law ( DOGC,Law 1/2009,July, 21st). This Law, recently passed by the catalan government, aims to promote citizens participation in organic waste separation disposal. Specifically, the general objective of this research is to analyze attitudes and behavior in the separation and disposal of organic waste in order to establish guiedelines and suggestions for improvement in designing enviromental marketing campaigns, and their assessment.

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Author Biographies

Marina Romeo Delgado, University of Barcelona

Doctor of Psychology. Professor. Director of the official interuniversity master's degree in psychosocial intervention. Researcher of the consolidated research group in Social, Environmental and Organizational Psychology.

Montserrat Yepes i Baldó, University of Barcelona

Doctor in Psychology. Professor. Researcher of the consolidated research group in Social, Environmental and Organizational Psychology.

Rita Berger, University of Barcelona

Researcher at the Center for Culture and Communication Studies. Doctor in Psychology. Professor. Researcher of the consolidated research group in Social, Environmental and Organizational Psychology.

Bartomeu Vidal Moranta, University of Barcelona

Doctor of Psychology. Master in environmental intervention. Teacher. Member of the CR-POLIS research center and of the consolidated research group "Art, Ciutat, Societat"



How to Cite

Romeo Delgado, M., Yepes i Baldó, M., Berger, R., & Vidal Moranta, B. (2011). The impacto of enviromental marketing campaigns: the four sheres model : El modelo de las cuatro esferas. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (25), 149–164. Retrieved from


