Activities for social appropriation of science and technology and meeting spaces with Colombian audiences. A look at the projects supported by COLCIENCIAS 2005-2010

Una mirada a los proyectos apoyados por Colciencias 2005 – 2010


  • Nathali J. Rátiva M. Minuto de Dios University Corporation
  • Marcela Lozano Borda Pontifical Xavierian University
  • Oscar Maldonado National University of Colombia


Apropiación social de la CTI, comunicación de la ciencia, ciencia y públicos, CTl social appropriation, science communication, science and audiences


Colombian has seen especially during the last decade, a significant interest for the social appropriation of science, technology and innovation ( ASCTI). Thus, through various policies several guidelines and strategies for promoting the activities in this field have been designed. In this sense, we analyze the approach that have taken such activities in recent years in relation to its audiences, promoting agencies, the kind of initiatives undertakend and the budgets allocated for them.To achieve this we’ ve systematized and classified the activities supported by the administrative department for science, technology and innovation, Colciencias,during 2005-2010 as parto f ASCTI  in the country, finding that in a high percentage they reproduce déficit models of science communication.

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Author Biographies

Nathali J. Rátiva M. , Minuto de Dios University Corporation

Social communicator. Journalist for the Minuto de Dios University Corporation. Currently she works as content editor in projects related to social appropriation of science and technology at the Maloka Corporation.

Marcela Lozano Borda, Pontifical Xavierian University

Master in Scientific Communication. Medical and environmental. Colombian Observatory of Science and Technology Researcher. Professor at the Pontifical Xavierian University. 

Oscar Maldonado, National University of Colombia

Master of Sociology. Member of the research group of social studies of science, technology and medicine.



How to Cite

Rátiva M. , N. J., Lozano Borda, M., & Maldonado, O. (2011). Activities for social appropriation of science and technology and meeting spaces with Colombian audiences. A look at the projects supported by COLCIENCIAS 2005-2010: Una mirada a los proyectos apoyados por Colciencias 2005 – 2010. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (25), 165–191. Retrieved from


