pedagogy of the body in the MA Project, a holistic perspective in health communication and social change

Una perspectiva integral en comunicación para la salud y el cambio social


  • Carolina Novella Centellas Ohio University


health communication, communication for social change, Participatory research, dance, body and silence


The Ma Project, my body my house (Colombia) is an education through dance intervention that, in a context of extreme poverty, violence  and  social  inequity,  aims  to  restore  the  value  of  the individual and the social body. This article introduces partial results from a qualitative research about the Project and examines them from a health perspective. Through participatory and ethnographic techniques the study analyzes the project and the perceived influence in individuals and the community. The main results indicate that the Project  introduces  silence  and  corporeal  work  as  communicative elements of an integrative pedagogy that will generate transformations based on respect. This case study illustrates how through an integral approach to communication that incorporates cultural elements and social relations, individual and social transformations occur. These changes will affect not only the health conditions of the participants but also their living conditions.

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Author Biography

Carolina Novella Centellas, Ohio University

Master in Communication and Development. Degree in Advertising and Public Relations. 


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How to Cite

Novella Centellas, C. (2012). pedagogy of the body in the MA Project, a holistic perspective in health communication and social change: Una perspectiva integral en comunicación para la salud y el cambio social. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (23), 137–160. Retrieved from


