Cultural scorecards: a call for participatory Means of monitoring and assessment


  • Arvind Singhal University of Texas
  • Lucía Durá The University of Texas at El Paso


participatory, evaluation, measurement, assessment, non-textocentric, action research, cultural scorecards


Social  change  professionals  increasingly  recognize  that  expert-derived  traditional  indicators  of  change  in  participant  knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) are inadequate to estimate program effectiveness.  This  article  explores  the  potential  of  participatory research  methods  as  a  means  for  generating  new  indicators  of  change.  The  proposed  indicators,  cultural  scorecards,  are  locally-relevant, culturally-embedded, metrics for assessing what constitutes “change”  for  the  end-user.  Examples  of  cultural  scorecards  from three participatory assessment projects in Uganda, India, and Perú are analyzed to illustrate the value they add to current traditions of monitoring, assessment, and impact evaluation. This analysis raises two main implications (1) one related to the epistemological value of  cultural  scorecards,  and  (2)  one  that  speaks  to  the  potential  of employing cultural scorecards in all types of interventional research.

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Author Biographies

Arvind Singhal , University of Texas

Ph.D. Communication Theory, Professor y Director, Social Justice Initiative.

Lucía Durá, The University of Texas at El Paso

Ph.D. Candidate, Rhetoric and Composition. MA. Rhetoric and Writing Studies. 


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How to Cite

Singhal , A., & Durá, L. (2012). Cultural scorecards: a call for participatory Means of monitoring and assessment. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (23), 161–180. Retrieved from


