New ombudsman newspaper El Colombiano,critical study of his discourse


  • Neyla Graciela Pardo Abril National University of Distance Education
  • Luis Eduardo Ospina Raigosa University of Antioquia


new Ombudsman, newspaper El Colombiano, critical discourse studies, strategies of discourse, theory of argumentation


Over the past 10 years, the Newspaper El Colombiano has exhibited a  political  trend  which has put   forward criticism by several social sectors. This article carries out a discourse analysis on this newspaper ́s  Press Ombudsman so as to determine the way it responds to such a questioning. Wondering about the communicative purposes that the Press Ombudsman has is rather relevant in order to understand its role within such a newspaper.This Critical Discourse Study (CDS) concludes that Press Ombudsman is a mechanism used by El Colombiano to Project a trust image on its contents, reinforced on every column. Its purpose is not guaranteeing quality of information. It is rather the public space which helps to construct and identity bond with the reader so as to strengthen the newspaper ́s positive  image  as  well  as  its  information  ground.  Researh  of  this  critical natureprovides colombian journalism with reflections from a  critical  and  self-critical  perspective,  which  is  not  widespread  in  this field.

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Author Biographies

Neyla Graciela Pardo Abril, National University of Distance Education

PhD in Spanish Linguistics from the National University of Distance Education (UNED), Spain Outstanding Cum Laude. Master in Spanish Linguistics from Instituto Caro y Cuervo- Andrés Bello Seminary, Master in Educational Administration and Supervision. Linguist from the National University. Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the same University and associate researcher at the Institute for Communication and Culture Studies – IECO. Coordinator of the Colombian Group for the Analysis of Media Discourse. Category B in the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colciencias.

Luis Eduardo Ospina Raigosa, University of Antioquia

Journalist from the University of Antioquia, student of the Master in Communication and Media at the National University of Colombia and member of the Colombian Group for the Analysis of Media Discourse.


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How to Cite

Pardo Abril, N. G. ., & Ospina Raigosa, L. E. (2014). New ombudsman newspaper El Colombiano,critical study of his discourse. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (30), 179–198. Retrieved from


