Versar con el otro/diferente: tejer conocimiento desde la conversación como método de comprensión


  • Alba Shirley Tamayo Arango University of Antioquia


comprehension as a method, communication, conversation, victims, aggressors


By thinking communication as a process, as proposed by Jesús Martín Barbero, we approach the experience of meetings between women who were victims of the armed conflict in Colombia (members of the social movement Asociación Caminos de Esperanza Madres de la Candelaria), and men who have assaulted women (members of Fundación Aulas de Paz),  in  order  to  investigate  the  changes  in  people,  the  construction  of  subjectivities  and  the  individual  and  collective  incidence  that made possible the conversations and activities performed since 2012 in  the  high-security  Itagüí-Antioquia  prison.  In  order  to  record  those  experimentations and understand what happened for them as well as what they made happen later for different people in different moments and places, we treat conversation and dialogue as a path for converging folios  39, enero-junio 2018. Facultad de Comunicaciones, Universidad de Antioquia26and  weaving  fabrics  of  emotions  and  reason,  as  put  by  Humberto Maturana,   in   order   to   gather   knowledge   by   situating   ourselves,   following Donna Haraway’s advices, and favoring reflection in which all participants are considered agents of a kind of comprehension that is collectively constructed.

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Author Biography

Alba Shirley Tamayo Arango, University of Antioquia

PhD in Social Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona Historian and Social Communicator-Journalist.Professor-researcher of the Faculty of Communications of the University of Antioquia. Member of the Communication, Journalism and Society–CPS Group.


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Conversación con Madres de la Candelaria. 1 de junio de 2017. (CM, 2017)

Conversación con Excombatientes. 8 de marzo de 2018. (CE, 2018)



How to Cite

Tamayo Arango, A. S. (2019). Versar con el otro/diferente: tejer conocimiento desde la conversación como método de comprensión. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (39), 25–33. Retrieved from


