Sexo en la pantalla, sexo en las butacas: una inmersión-comprensión en las penumbras de las salas X


  • Ramón Pineda University of Antioquia


comprehension as a method, X Rooms, masculinities, sexual practices, half-light, immersion


 In  the  half-light  of  the  X  rooms  men  transit  through  several  sexual  practices that affect the power relations that hegemonic masculinity norms  exert  upon  the  body.  The  identification  of  such  practices and  transits  in  order  to  elaborate  a  master’s  thesis  titled  Cuerpos  obscenos,  cuerpos  transeúntes,  cuerpos  gozados  (masculinidades  en  las penumbras de las salas X de Medellín) [Obscene bodies, transient bodies,  joyful  bodies  (masculinities  in  the  half-light  of  Medellín’s  X  rooms)] has required the author a patient and vast immersion. This essay deals with how a reported has created synergies between the research techniques of a reporter and of a social scientist in order to achieve a comprehension  of  the  phenomenon  that  happens  there.  During  a  one-year period he was another actor and has played a role in this half-light scenery, and has identified protocols, constants and did in-depth interviews with eight protagonists of this “porn” movie of real life that happens on a daily basis before others, the ones of hyperbolic fiction created by the adult entertainment industry.

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Author Biography

Ramón Pineda, University of Antioquia

Master in Socio-spatial Studies of the Institute of Regional Studies. Journalist and undergraduate professor in journalism at the University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Pineda, R. (2019). Sexo en la pantalla, sexo en las butacas: una inmersión-comprensión en las penumbras de las salas X. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (40), 167–177. Retrieved from


