Relatos dibujados: investigación biográfico-narrativa. Una propuesta documental desde la creación literaria


  • Selen Catalina Arango Rodríguez University of Antioquia


comprehension as a method, biographical-narrative investigation, processes of literary creation, education


This essay analyzes the writing of the final text of a biographical-narrative  research  as  an  act  of  empathy  that  requires  the  matching  of  the biographies of researchers and the reports developed or compiled during the research process. Such process is explained through questions and reflections formulated during the reading of Birmajer’s short story Cicatrices [Scars]. This matching is described in the text as the act of drawing on the face, on one’s own formation. We review contributions by Gadamer, Grondin, Arfouch and Delory-Momberger.

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Author Biography

Selen Catalina Arango Rodríguez, University of Antioquia

Poet, feminist cultural critic and Doctor of Pedagogy from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Member of the Diversity Study Group, professor at the Faculty of Education and Communications, and at the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Arango Rodríguez, S. C. . (2019). Relatos dibujados: investigación biográfico-narrativa. Una propuesta documental desde la creación literaria. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (40), 209–217. Retrieved from


