These/media/appropriated:indigenous storytelling of patience, identity and politics


  • Omar Rincón University of the Andes


media, indigenous media, identity, activisms, esthetics, narratives


Searching  to  find  others  ways  to  communicate,  we  found  that  Indigenous communication  practices  can  teach  us  how  to  storytell/politicize/subvert communication’s  status  quo.  And  we  keep  hearing  their  teachings,  their stories.  Based on the certainty that they will always be on the planet, Indigenous peoples have the patience to search and find tactical ways to transform a camera or a story into political activism, into ways to subvert the mainstream media logics, into agency to revive their own cultural identities. In this free essay I intend to reflect looking into an “indigenous mirror.”    We hope that the time is ripe to be able to listen to indigenous media, to dare to be different.

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Author Biography

Omar Rincón, University of the Andes

MA of Arts, Master of Education, Journalist. Associate Professor at the University of the Andes. 


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Rincón, Omar. (2006). Narrativas mediáticas o cómo cuenta la sociedad del entretenimiento. Barcelona: Gedisa.

Rodríguez, Clemencia & El ́Gazi, Janine. (2007). Poética de la radio indígena en Colombia. En: Ya no es posible el silencio [en línea]. Bogotá: c3FES. Disponible en: [Consultado 7 de febrero, 2010].

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How to Cite

Rincón, O. (2010). These/media/appropriated:indigenous storytelling of patience, identity and politics. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (21-22), 181–196. Retrieved from



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