Vital ethnographies: music and, youthful identities Hip Hop in Medellín

Hip hop en Medellín


  • Ángela Garcés Montoya University of Medellin


Youth, youthful identities, Hip Hop culture


This  chapter  is  part  of  the  research  on  “Musical  Youthful  Mediations”,  the  start point is the need of analyze the stereotypes  that point out and, become weak to the young people in marginal and urban contexts, where is necessary to recognize at  the Young  people  as  producer  of  cultura  related  with  the  social  and  economic conditions which determine them.  For this reason the main goal is to explore and identify the differents shapes of appropiation and reconfiguration of the identity made by the youthful cultures through of the musical arena, with its many ways: body, image, sound, musical composition, which showing the significances, senses and sensibilities that  go around of the alternative-media.

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Author Biography

Ángela Garcés Montoya, University of Medellin

Master in Aesthetics, Historian. Professor at the Faculty of Communication, University of Medellin . He leads the Speech, Organization and Policy Research Group in the Communication and Youth Cultures Research Line.


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How to Cite

Garcés Montoya, Ángela. (2010). Vital ethnographies: music and, youthful identities Hip Hop in Medellín: Hip hop en Medellín. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (21-22), 125–140. Retrieved from



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