Consensos y disensos de la opinión en el conflicto colombo-ecuatoriano


  • Maryluz Vallejo Mejía Pontifical Javeriana University


opinion journalism, argument, fallacies of the speech, journalistic securities, armed conflict, democracy


Readings  made  by  editorialists  and  columnists  of  five  Colombian newspapers about Colombia ́s attack to FARC base camp in Ecuador ́s territory –during the month of March 2008–, show that all of them are synchronized to the most emotional responses of popular opinion, because 69% of the 307 articles favored Colombia in the conflict with the neighboring country. In this analysis of rhetoric, comes to the sur-face the patriotic tone that encouraged President Alvaro Uribe during the diplomatic impasse as a against President Correa.

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Author Biography

Maryluz Vallejo Mejía, Pontifical Javeriana University

Professora at the Faculty of Communication and Language of the Pontifical Javeriana University , Bogotá, Colombia. PhD in Public Communication from the University of Navarra, Spain.



How to Cite

Vallejo Mejía, M. (2010). Consensos y disensos de la opinión en el conflicto colombo-ecuatoriano. Folios, Revista De La Facultad De Comunicaciones Y Filología, (18-19-20), 11–31. Retrieved from



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