A look at the writing of research objectives:error by confusion, semantic clarity of verbs and redundancy


  • Raimundo Castro Orozco University of San Buenaventura
  • Alicia Norma Alayón University of San Buenaventura




formative research , manuscripts , microbiology, research , research project, review


The process of drafting a set of objectives is a critical step in planning a research project. Despite its importance, frequent errors are apparent. These may include confusion between general and specific objectives, the inappropriate choice of verbs and repetition of ideas or concepts sufficiently exposed in other parts of the document. This article assesses the relevance of the content of the research objectives and its wording in terms of semantic clarity, and from this analysis, we propose alternatives that attempt to minimize these types of errors.
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Author Biographies

Raimundo Castro Orozco, University of San Buenaventura

Pharmaceutical Chemist, Master in Microbiology. Research Professor of the Biomedical Research Group. University of San Buenaventura, Cartagena section.

Alicia Norma Alayón, University of San Buenaventura

Biochemistry, Specialist in Clinical Biochemistry, Master in Social Development. Research Professor of the Biomedical Research Group and Research Coordinator of the University of San Buenaventura, Cartagena section.


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How to Cite

Castro Orozco, R., & Norma Alayón, A. (2012). A look at the writing of research objectives:error by confusion, semantic clarity of verbs and redundancy. Hechos Microbiológicos, 2(1), 73–78. https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.hm.10879



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