Genetic variability of Anopheles punctimacula s.l. at two locations in the endemic area for malaria: Bajo Cauca and Alto Sinú


  • Paula A Urrea University of Antioquia
  • Margarita M. Correa University of Antioquia
  • Nelson Naranjo Díaz University of Antioquia



Anopheles punctimacula, CPS-CAD, COI, malaria, genetic variability


Introduction: Anopheles  punctimacula  s.l.  is  a  locally  important  malaria  vector    in    Colombia.    Despite    its    epidemiological    importance, little is known about its genetic variability in the malaria endemic areas where it is present. Amongthese, El  Bajo  Cauca  -  Alto  Sinú  regions  report  the  highest  number  of   malaria  cases  in  the  country.  Therefore,  the  aim  of   this  work  was  to  evaluate  genetic  variability  of   An. punctimacula s.l. in two localities of  each region, Nechí and Montería. This information will guide the design of  targeted and effective vector control measures.

MaterIals and Methods: Starting  with  the  DNA  of   20  An.  punctimacula  s.l.,  females,  fragments  of   the  mitochondrial  gene  COIand  nuclear  CPS-CAD were  amplified.  Nucleotide diversity,    haplotype    diversity,    genetic    structure    and  gene  flow  parameters  were  estimated  for  the populations.

Results: Eighteen nucleotide sequences were obtained for each marker with a size of  719 bp for CPS-CAD and 1,158 bp for COI. In the CPS-CAD sequences four polymorphic sites were detected and in COI, six. The genetic structure analyses for CPS-CAD (FST= 0.00054) and COI (FST= 0.00049)  indicated  lack  of   genetic  differentiation  and  the Nm values (CPS-CAD= 7,78562; COI= 780,5199), evidenced high gene flow between the An. punctimaculas.l. populations of  both municipalities.

Conclusions: Because of  the low population structure detected and the high gene flow between the An.  Punctimacula  s.l. populations  from  Nechí  and  Montería  suggest  that  they are genetically similar.

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Author Biographies

Paula A Urrea, University of Antioquia

Microbiology and Bioanalysis Student, Molecular Microbiology Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia.

Margarita M. Correa, University of Antioquia

PhD. with emphasis in Microbiology. Coordinator of the Molecular Microbiology Group, School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia.

Nelson Naranjo Díaz, University of Antioquia

Molecular Microbiology Group, School of Microbiology. Doctoral Candidate in the Postgraduate Biology, University of Antioquia.


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How to Cite

Urrea, P. A., Correa, M. M., & Naranjo Díaz, N. (2016). Genetic variability of Anopheles punctimacula s.l. at two locations in the endemic area for malaria: Bajo Cauca and Alto Sinú. Hechos Microbiológicos, 5(2), 51–62.



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