Effect of a Cyanobacteria consortium on obtaining the gulupa´s vegetal biomass (Passiflora edulis f. Edulis sims) under field conditions in the municipality of Marinilla - Antioquia
agrochemicals, biofertilizer, consortium, culture, Cyanobacteria, Gulupa (Passiflora edulis F. edulis Sims)Abstract
Introduction: Cyanobacteria possess the ability to fix nitrogen, produce vitamins and amino acids that stimulate plant growth, form associations with vascular and non-vascular plants, acts as biofertilizers, and as an alternative to the application of agrochemicals, reduce the harmful affect these have on the quality of the soils and human health. In culture of commercial interest, these microorganisms have been used to increase production although most research has focused on rice and other cereals. Gulupa (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims), is a fruit native to tropical regions. Its pleasant taste and antioxidant properties make it commercially attractive, especially for export, which has encouraged the development of this culture in the country.
Objective: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of a consortium of cyanobacteria on obtaining plant biomass from gulupa plants (Passiflora edulis f. edulis Sims.) under field conditions.
Methods: A comparative experimental study was designed. The biofertilizing effect of cyanobacteria was evaluated with three treatments. The growth of the plants was measured in terms of length of stem and roots, fresh weight of plant and roots, and number of leaves and branches during six months of planting.
Results and conclusion: The results obtained indicate that there is a response from the plant when inoculation with cyanobacteria is applied; however, it cannot be established which of the treatments induced that response.
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