Construction-deconstruction-reconstruction of concepts as an ontology of scientific research


  • Leonardo A. Ríos-Osorio University of Antioquia



science , concepts, reflection, research, study object , scientific questions


Scientific research is conceived as an activity that through the rigorous, systematic, reproducible and deliberate method reaches truths on reality referred to questions of science scope. The development of more sophisticated methods of observation and with support of mathematical logical thought, the reality was instrumentalized, becoming a supply of facts on which the application of rational thought allowed consolidation of scientific thought. In science scope, construction of concepts is the central subject of research process, and the history of science is appellant in the intention to relate the formal and material objects of reality to preexisting concepts or new concepts in construction. In this sense, this article proposes a reflection about the value of concepts in science, its importance in the advance of science supported on technological advances and the paper of scientific questions like central aspect in generation of scientific knowledge and formation of researchers.
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Author Biography

Leonardo A. Ríos-Osorio, University of Antioquia

Bacteriologist and clinical laboratory worker, Specialist in Basic Biomedical Sciences, Human Parasitology Area, Doctor in Sustainability from the University of Catalonia, Professor at the School of Microbiology, University of Antioquia. Director of the Hechos Microbiológicos Magazine.


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How to Cite

Ríos-Osorio, L. A. . (2011). Construction-deconstruction-reconstruction of concepts as an ontology of scientific research. Hechos Microbiológicos, 1(2), 49–53.



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