Exclusive breastfeeding: motivations and disincentives for nursing mothers in Eldorado do Sul, Brazil
Breast feeding; obstetrical nursing; weaning.Abstract
Objective. Describing the motivations and disincentives that influence adherence to exclusive breastfeeding until children's six months of life in the town of Eldorado do Sul (Brazil).
Methodology. A descriptive qualitative exploratory study. Between October and December/2009 it were interviewed 25 mothers of children aged from six to 18 months.
Results. Three categories emerged from motivations - relationship of human milk with health and child nutrition, practicality and economy, and enjoyment and promotion of mother-infant bond; and three from disincentives - sudden decrease of milk with no apparent cause, working outside the home, and nipple trauma.
Conclusion. The decision of exclusive breastfeeding until the child's six months of life involves a group of factors that the mother has to face during lactation
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