ISSN (online) : 2216-0280 | ISSN (print) 0120-5307
Investigación y Educación en Enfermería -Research and Education in Nursing, is a publication of the Nursing School of the University of Antioquia (Colombia, South America). This journal disseminates the knowledge related to research and education that contributes to the development of the discipline of nursing. Investigación y Educación en Enfermería receives articles in Spanish, Portuguese, and English languages. This journal follows the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals of International Committee Medical Journals Editor's (ICMJE) and adheres to the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics -COPE- about the best practices on publication ethics.
This Open Access journal has a Creative Commons license CCby-nc-sa, so the Journal encourages to readers and authors to make non-commercial use of our articles, share alike them and always recognize authorship.
- Format: On line
- Periodicity: Quarterly
- Peer review: Double blind
- No Article Processing Charges (APC)
- Rejection rate: 82%
- All articles will be checked for originality with iThenticate plagiarism detection software
- This journal provides Open Access by the Creative Commons License by-nc-sa
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Bibliographics database: Medline-PubMed
Full-text database: PubMed Central, SciELO, Europa PMC , RedALYC
Citation Index: Journal Citation Report -JCR- (Journal Impact Factor: 2.0, Journal Citation Indicator Quartil: 2), Scopus SJR Quartil: Q2, CiteScore Scopus
Bibliographical information system: MIAR, Latindex, DOAJ
Memberships: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
Most cited articles (Scopus)
Barriers and facilitators to preparing families with premature infants for discharge home from the neonatal unit. Perceptions of health care providers Burnout and its influencing factors between frontline nurses and nurses from other wards during the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease-COVID-19-in Iran Quality of life of elderly. Comparison between urban and rural areas Patient education among nurses: Bringing evidence into clinical applicability in Iran Knowledge and attitudes of undergraduate nursing students toward dementia: An Indian perspective Women's primary care nursing in situations of gender violence
Most downloaded articles
Atención de Enfermería en el Pre, Trans y Post-operatorio La triangulación metodológica: sus principios, alcances y limitaciones El proceso Salud enfermedad. Un Fenómeno Social Impact of an Educational Intervention Aimed at Nursing Staff on Oral Hygiene Care on the Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Adults Ventilated in Intensive Care Unit Face masks vs. COVID-19: a systematic review Nursing and its Essential Role in the Vaccination against COVID-19: New Challenge in a Pandemic Scenario
The editor's choice
Consolidation of the Journal Investigación y Educación en Enfermería as a Publication with Impact on the Dissemination of Nursing KnowledgeTranspersonal Caritas Relationship: A new concept from the unitary caring science framework of Jean Watson“I didn't know anything, but I learned over time”: The process of nurses attaining autonomy in Intensive Care UnitsUse of Research in the Nursing Practice: from Statistical Significance to Clinical SignificanceBeing Part of an Editorial Board: Implications and Scope for Scientific Communication and Personal Academic Development40 Years of History of the Journal Investigación y Educación en Enfermería. Advancing in Knowledge
Current Issue
Full Issue
Challenges in Feeding Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Role of Nurses in Research and Interventions
|Abstract = 220 veces | PDF = 287 veces|
Practical Guide to Achieve Rigor and Data Integration in Mixed Methods Research
|Abstract = 638 veces | PDF = 368 veces| | HTML PORTUGUÉS = 0 veces| -
Influencing Factors on the Success of Mobile Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
|Abstract = 226 veces | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PDF = 296 veces|
Effect of patient sorting done by nurses on care request management in primary care emergency services
|Abstract = 328 veces | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PDF = 380 veces| -
“My Kidney Disease, My World as an Arena:” Unpacking the Situation of Adolescents from the Perspective of Postmodern Grounded Theory
|Abstract = 144 veces | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PDF = 233 veces| -
Prevalence and severity of nomophobia among nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis
|Abstract = 178 veces | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PDF = 267 veces| -
Repercussions of neck pain on the quality of life of health professionals in Intensive Care Units
|Abstract = 147 veces | PDF = 265 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Validity and Reliability of the Adolescent Lifestyle Profile-Revised 2 (ALP-R2) Scale in Colombian Adolescents
|Abstract = 104 veces | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PDF = 231 veces| -
Cross mapping of self-care interventions for expert patients
|Abstract = 135 veces | VIDEO = 0 veces| | PDF = 239 veces| -
Establishing a Partnership to Support an HIV Prevention Intervention for Latina Women in South Florida (United States of America)
|Abstract = 107 veces | PDF = 194 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Effectiveness of a Nursing Intervention to Improve Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in Malaria Prevention in an Emberá Katío Community in the Department of Córdoba
|Abstract = 131 veces | PDF = 221 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Construction and Validation of a Compassionate Nursing Care Scale from the Perspective of the Patient-Family Caregiver Dyad
|Abstract = 226 veces | PDF = 324 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Intention, Motivations, and Barriers to Emigration of Nursing Students in Colombia
|Abstract = 225 veces | PDF = 225 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Attitudes of nursing students towards ageism and associated factors
|Abstract = 221 veces | PDF = 278 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Effect of a Specialized Nursing Subject Assignment on Perceived Knowledge and Skills to Care for Drug Users
|Abstract = 117 veces | PDF = 209 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces| -
Social determinants of health and exclusive breastfeeding: a longitudinal study
|Abstract = 200 veces | PDF = 282 veces| | VIDEO = 0 veces|