Face masks vs. COVID-19: a systematic review
COVID-19, coronavirus infections, masksAbstract
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) spread rapidly around the world. Two types of approaches have been applied to use of face masks as a tool to prevent the spread this disease in society. The aim of the systematic review was to assess the effectiveness of face masks against the novel coronavirus. A literature search was performed using different databases until April 30, 2020. Search terms were ‘facemasks’, ‘novel coronavirus’, and ‘healthcare workers’. Five studies were included in the systematic review. A study stated that no difference between surgical and cotton masks. Also, two studies have emphasized the use of surgical masks or N95 respirators by medical staff, and two other studies emphasized the use of any type of face mask by general public. More studies in controlled contexts and studies of infections in healthcare and community places are needed for better definition of the effectiveness of face masks in preventing coronavirus.
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