Institutionalized elderly: vulnerabilities and strategies to cope with Covid-19 in Brazil


  • Pricila Oliveira de Araújo State University of Feira de Santana
  • Maria Yaná Guimarães Silva Freitas State University of Feira de Santana
  • Evanilda Souza de Santana Carvalho State University of Feira de Santana
  • Thaís Moreira Peixoto State University of Feira de Santana
  • Maria Lúcia Silva Servo State University of Feira de Santana
  • Laiane da Silva Santana Federal University of Bahia
  • Juliana Macêdo dos Santos Silva State University of Feira de Santana
  • Jenny Caroline Vieira Moura State University of Feira de Santana



oronavirus infections, institutionalization, elderly


This article presents a systematized reflection and discussion around two guiding axes: the first discusses aging and vulnerabilities to biological, physical, cognitive, social and affective losses that require specific attention, as well as vulnerabilities to COVID-19 to which institutionalized elderly people are exposed; the second, we reflect on the adoption of restrictive and protective measures to prevent the spread of the virus, aiming to keep the elder health and mitigate the effects of the pandemic. The conclusion is that the pandemic has increased the many vulnerabilities to which institutionalized older people were already exposed, adding vulnerability to a new disease, such as COVID-19, due to its high lethality and comorbidity, aggravated by precariousness of long-term Brazilian institutions due to the negligence of public authorities, civil society, the management of the institution and the families of the patients. The post-pandemic scenario will require collective efforts to protect and ensure the survival of the elderly living in those residences.

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Author Biographies

Pricila Oliveira de Araújo, State University of Feira de Santana

Nurse, Master. Email:

Maria Yaná Guimarães Silva Freitas, State University of Feira de Santana

Nurse, Doctoral. Email:

Evanilda Souza de Santana Carvalho, State University of Feira de Santana

Nurse, Post-Doctoral. Email:

Thaís Moreira Peixoto, State University of Feira de Santana

Nurse, Master. Email:

Maria Lúcia Silva Servo, State University of Feira de Santana

Nurse, Doctoral. Email:

Laiane da Silva Santana, Federal University of Bahia

Nurse, Master student. Email:

Juliana Macêdo dos Santos Silva, State University of Feira de Santana

Nursing student. Email:

Jenny Caroline Vieira Moura, State University of Feira de Santana

Nursing student Email:


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How to Cite

de Araújo, P. O., Guimarães Silva Freitas, M. Y., Carvalho, E. S. de S., Peixoto, T. M., Silva Servo, M. L., Santana, L. da S., dos Santos Silva, J. M., & Vieira Moura, J. C. (2021). Institutionalized elderly: vulnerabilities and strategies to cope with Covid-19 in Brazil. Investigación Y Educación En Enfermería, 39(1).




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