Attitudes of nursing students towards ageism and associated factors
older adults, ageism, attitudes, aging, nursing studentsAbstract
Objective. To evaluate the associated factors on ageism in nursing students from a public university in Recife-PE.
Methods. This is a cross-sectional, quantitative, analytical study, whose participants (n=215) were students of the bachelor's degree in Nursing at a public university in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Data regarding responses to a sociodemographic questionnaire and Fraboni Ageism Scale were analyzed.
Results. The characteristics that predominated among the participants were: female (83.3%), age between 17-20 years (41.9%), single (92.1%), did not have a scholarship (83.5%), lived with parents and/or siblings (60.9%), had no child (98.1%), did not live with the older adult (74.4%), and was attending the first year of under graduation (28.4%). On the Fraboni Scale, the score was 36.74 out of 84 possible points for ageism, being by domain: 11.55 points for Avoidance, 11.54 points for Antilocution, and 10.05 points for Discrimination.
Conclusion. Among the nursing students surveyed, ageism was associated with the male gender, younger age, not being a scholarship holder and living alone. Education and training aimed at caring for the older adults are effective tools to challenge prejudice related to aging.
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- 2024-12-09 (2)
- 2024-11-15 (1)
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