Vol. 42 No. 3 (2024)

					View Vol. 42 No. 3 (2024)
Published: 2024-11-15

Full Issue


  • Challenges in Feeding Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: the Role of Nurses in Research and Interventions

    Márcio Flávio Moura de Araújo
    = 167 veces | PDF
    = 226 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e01


  • Practical Guide to Achieve Rigor and Data Integration in Mixed Methods Research

    Elisiane Lorenzini, Sandra Patricia Osorio Galeano, Catiele Raquel Schmidt, Wilson Cañon Montañez
    = 483 veces | PDF
    = 299 veces| | HTML PORTUGUÉS
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e02
  • Influencing Factors on the Success of Mobile Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

    Abdollah Mehrfar, Zahra Zolfaghari, Arash Bordbar, Zahra Mohabbat
    = 173 veces | VIDEO
    = 0 veces| | PDF
    = 246 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e09


  • Effect of patient sorting done by nurses on care request management in primary care emergency services

    Genoveva Pérez Romero, Ángela Jiménez García, Cesar Hueso Montoro, Rafael Montoya Juárez, María Paz García Caro
    = 270 veces | VIDEO
    = 0 veces| | PDF
    = 275 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e03
  • “My Kidney Disease, My World as an Arena:” Unpacking the Situation of Adolescents from the Perspective of Postmodern Grounded Theory

    Keidis Sulay Ruidiaz Gómez, Jasmín V. Cacante Caballero
    = 109 veces | VIDEO
    = 0 veces| | PDF
    = 208 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e04
  • Prevalence and severity of nomophobia among nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Shiv Kumar Mudgal, Suresh Kumar Sharma, Rakhi Gaur, Maneesh Sharma, Latha T, Vipin Patidar
    = 142 veces | VIDEO
    = 0 veces| | PDF
    = 229 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e05
  • Repercussions of neck pain on the quality of life of health professionals in Intensive Care Units

    Alberto de Oliveira Redü, Daiani Modernel Xavier, Marcela Amaral Daoud, Giovana Calcagno Gomes, Franciele Gomes Soares, Luciano Garcia Lourenção, Eliane Raquel Rieth Bennetti
    = 126 veces | PDF
    = 230 veces| | VIDEO
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e06
  • Validity and Reliability of the Adolescent Lifestyle Profile-Revised 2 (ALP-R2) Scale in Colombian Adolescents

    Eugenia del Pilar Herrera Guerra, Lili Rosa Bautista Arellanos , Claudia Bonilla Ibáñez
    = 91 veces | VIDEO
    = 0 veces| | PDF
    = 206 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e07
  • Cross mapping of self-care interventions for expert patients

    Manacés dos Santos Bezerril, Flávia Barreto Tavares Chiavone, Larissa Arielly Cunha da Silva, Isabelle Katherinne Fernandes Costa, Francisca Sánchez Ayllón, Maria Soledad Vázquez Santiago, Isabelle Campos de Azevedo, Viviane Euzébia Pereira Santos
    = 112 veces | VIDEO
    = 0 veces| | PDF
    = 207 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e08
  • Establishing a Partnership to Support an HIV Prevention Intervention for Latina Women in South Florida (United States of America)

    Evelyn Iriarte, Rosina Cianelli, Joseph P. De Santis, Giovanna De Oliveira, Jose G. Castro, Maria Jose Baeza, Sophia Thomas, Shanelle Hodge, Susan Rubio Rivera
    = 82 veces | PDF
    = 173 veces| | VIDEO
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e10
  • Effectiveness of a Nursing Intervention to Improve Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices in Malaria Prevention in an Emberá Katío Community in the Department of Córdoba

    Jorge Luis Herrera Herrera, María de los Ángeles Rodríguez Gázquez, Juan Guillermo Rojas
    = 97 veces | PDF
    = 197 veces| | VIDEO
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e11
  • Construction and Validation of a Compassionate Nursing Care Scale from the Perspective of the Patient-Family Caregiver Dyad

    Edwin Darío Archila Hernández, Doris Helena Torres Acosta, Sandra Patricia Pulido Barragán , Olga Lucía Laverde Contreras, Beatriz Sánchez Herrera
    = 194 veces | PDF
    = 277 veces| | VIDEO
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e12
  • Intention, Motivations, and Barriers to Emigration of Nursing Students in Colombia

    Bairon Steve Peña Alfaro, Nancy Viviana Torres Díaz
    = 164 veces | PDF
    = 193 veces| | VIDEO
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e13
  • Attitudes of nursing students towards ageism and associated factors

    Jaedson Capitó de Santana, Julio César Menezes de Peixoto Filho , Rose Dayanne da Silva Araújo, Jack Roberto Silva Fhon , Fábia Maria de Lima
    = 192 veces | PDF
    = 248 veces| | VIDEO
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e14
  • Effect of a Specialized Nursing Subject Assignment on Perceived Knowledge and Skills to Care for Drug Users

    Miguel A. Villegas-Pantoja, Mildred Astrid Moreno-Cruz, Martha Dalila Méndez-Ruiz, Carlos Reyes Sánchez
    = 89 veces | PDF
    = 189 veces| | VIDEO
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e15
  • Social determinants of health and exclusive breastfeeding: a longitudinal study

    Ananda Larisse Bezerra da Silva, Elizabete Regina Araújo Oliveira, Wanessa Lacerda Poton, Andreia Soprani dos Santos , Susana Bubach, Maria Helena Monteiro de Barros Miotto
    = 178 veces | PDF
    = 251 veces| | VIDEO
    = 0 veces|
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.iee.v42n3e16